In a world often full of human dismay and worry, the beauty of Nature provides a powerful ally, defense and inspiration.
All around us, the natural world offers a distant mirror of our experiences: in the sky and water and on the earth. Great drama, intricate patterns, faces, shapes and colors are all around, and sometimes, the most beautiful of these lasts only an instant.
The light, patterns, colors and shapes found in Nature's palette of sweeping landscapes, skies and waterways wonderfully blend realism, abstraction and impressionism. And I am often fortunate enough to witness and to catch some of the melding of these natural moods and expressions. As part of my joy in living, I transfer those images onto paper, canvas, aluminum or glass, creating photographs that can ornament and inspire - perhaps transform - our living spaces.
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Please Note: All images are copyrighted to Claudia d'Alessandro | Photography, and may not be reproduced or used in any form without written permission.